A Parent / Carers Dream for their child
To be able to read, type, write, speak and communicate in a manner in which all will understand.

To be equal to his brother, sister, peers and other children in society.

To be helped in fine and gross motor skills.

To link into self sustaining skills that enable him to access the curriculum.

To have access to all therapies.

To have regular assessments and input from specialists (Ed. Psych/ Physio/ OT/ SALT.)

To support the family emotionally and practically

To support him in all sports/ extra curricula activities

To meet friends / peers of similar needs from now until adulthood and beyond.

The nest locality Hub is working alongside educational professionals to provide support, training and resources that will help secure the best outcomes for SEND children within their setting.

If you feel that your child is in need of support that could be provided by nest, we would encourage you to contact the person at the setting who has the responsibility to lead the support for SEND children and discuss what options are available.

You may also find our newsletters and this website useful in signposting you to other additional services within the locality and Wet Sussex, as well as providing you with a more general update on SEND issues.’